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Fat Rack
Score @ 5:
259 4/8"
7 3/8" & 7 7/8" C-4 Circumferences
7 1/8 & 6 7/8" C-1 Circumferences
I.S. 26 5/8"
Score @ 6:
12 4/8" & 8 4/8" C-4 Circumferences
7" & 8" C-1 Circumferences
I.S. 27 4/8"
Fat Rack. He didn't choose the name. The name chose him. The mass of this guy is just insane! from base to tip, the mass just gets bigger! And he consistently passes that mass and his 5-star pedigree on to his progeny. We are proud to offer you, the stoutest stout, the chunkiest monkey, the thickest stacks around, FAT RACK.
Semen: $3,000/straw - conventional
@ 5
248" @ 5
@ 3
@ 5
Fat Rack Son @ 3
Fat Rack/--/Kodiak/Tex - NADR# 321096
@ 2
Fat Rack/Mistake
@ 3
Fat Rack/Mistake
Fat Rack Son @ 3
Fat Rack/--/Kodiak/Tex - NADR# 321096
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